How to Make Surveys Online in 6 Simple Steps

Kanishka Thakur
June 25, 2024
14 mins


Ever wonder how companies learn about users' preferences and experiences? It’s not magic; it’s all about online surveys! These nifty tools have become essential for gathering feedback, whether for market research, gauging customer satisfaction, or boosting employee engagement.

Imagine you're running a business and need to know what your customers think about your new product. An online survey can give you quick, valuable insights. It’s like having a conversation with hundreds of people at once!

Nudge’s surveys module is specially designed with high-tech methods to collect user experience and feedback to understand your audience, make informed decisions, and iterate your product.

Not just for businesses, online surveys are also great for understanding what your employees need to stay motivated. And in market research, they’re invaluable for spotting trends and making data-driven decisions. So, let's dive into how to make surveys to transform your feedback collection process!

Step 1: Planning Your Survey

The first step of ‘how to make surveys’ is efficient planning. Solid planning is the base of a successful survey creation. 

  • Objective and goal 

First things first, you need to know why you're creating the survey. Are you looking to understand customer satisfaction, gather feedback on a new product or feature, or try to  find out how engaged your users are? Clearly defining your objective and goal will guide all other steps in the survey creation process. It ensures that every question you ask serves a purpose and helps you get the answers you need.

  • Target audience 

Next, decide who will take your survey. Is it your customers, employees, or a specific demographic group? Knowing your target audience helps you tailor your questions to get the most relevant responses. For example, if you're surveying customers about a new product, you might ask different questions than if you're surveying employees about workplace satisfaction.

Nudge offers customization, with which you can use user segmentation and targeting, as well as customize and take inspiration from 100+ templates.

  • Choosing the right platform 

Finally, select the best platform to create and distribute your survey. Different platforms offer various features, so pick one that suits your needs. If you need detailed data analysis, choose a platform with robust analytics tools. If your audience is always on the go, make sure the platform supports mobile-friendly surveys. The right platform will help you reach your audience effectively and analyze the results easily.

Also read: 7 User Engagement Strategies To Achieve Your Goals

Step 2: Designing Your Survey

The next part of ‘how to make surveys’ is designing. Based on customer segmentation and targeted audience, the survey should be designed. Here are some tips:

  • Making every question count towards the survey goal

Every question you include should have a clear purpose. If it doesn't help you achieve your survey's goal, leave it out. This ensures that your survey is focused and that you gather the most relevant information.

  • Keeping the survey concise and simple 

People are more likely to complete your survey if it’s short and to the point. Aim for a survey that takes no more than a few minutes to finish. Avoid unnecessary questions and stick to what’s essential to keep your respondents engaged.

  • Using clear and direct questions to avoid confusion

Write questions that are easy to understand. Use straightforward language and avoid complex sentences. Clear questions lead to clear answers, making your data more reliable.

  • Avoiding leading and biased questions

Make sure your questions are neutral and unbiased. Avoid leading questions that might sway respondents towards a particular answer. For example, instead of asking, "How much did you love our product?" ask, "How would you rate our product?"

  • Speaking the respondent's language and avoiding technical jargon

Use language that your respondents will understand. Avoid technical terms or jargon that might confuse them. Speak in a way that’s natural for your audience to ensure they feel comfortable answering your questions.

Also read: 10 Key Mobile App User Engagement Metrics You Must Measure

Step 3: Question Types and Layout

“A good survey design is very important for the success of your project. Make sure that you include a mix of open-ended as well as closed questions in it.” 

- Pooja Agnihotri [CMO at Bizadmark LLC]

Getting the question types and layout right is crucial for collecting meaningful and accurate responses. Here’s how to make surveys with simple yet effective layouts:

  • Utilizing various question types 

Mixing different question types can keep your survey interesting and gather diverse data. Use open-ended questions for detailed feedback, multiple-choice for specific options, and scales for measuring opinions or satisfaction levels.

  • Balance the use of yes/no and matrix questions

Yes/No questions can limit the information you gather. So, use them sparingly and opt for more detailed question types. Similarly, matrix questions can be overwhelming, so use them only when necessary. It all depends on the subject and what type of answers you are looking for from your users. Use both question types as per your requirements. 

  • Formatting the survey for clarity and easy navigation

Make sure your survey is well-organized and easy to navigate. Group similar questions together, use headings, and ensure there’s a logical flow. This helps respondents move through the survey smoothly without getting confused.

  • Randomizing answer options 

To avoid bias in your responses, randomize the order of answer options. This prevents respondents from always choosing the same option again and again carelessly and ensures a more accurate distribution of responses. 

Step 4: Ensuring Quality Responses

After selecting the appropriate question types and layouts for your survey, the next step is to ensure that you are collecting quality responses through the survey. But how to make surveys that ensure quality responses? Here is how:

  • Tailoring questions and answers

Customize your questions to fit the background and experiences of your respondents. For example, use different languages or examples for different demographic groups. This makes it easier for respondents to relate to the questions and provide relevant answers, enhancing the quality of your data.

With Surveys by Nudge, you can drive user metrics with customization based on experiences and user backgrounds. Use the feature as per your requirements and specific needs.  

  • Including a 'red herring' question 

Add a trick question or a 'red herring' to check if respondents are paying attention. For example, include a question that asks them to select a specific answer, such as "Select 'Strongly Agree' for this question." This helps you identify and filter out respondents who aren't reading the questions carefully, ensuring that only thoughtful and attentive responses are included in your analysis.

  • Using unbalanced scales 

When using rating scales, be cautious with unbalanced scales. Ensure they don’t unintentionally bias the responses. For instance, avoid scales that have more positive options than negative ones, as this can skew the data. Use balanced scales that provide an equal number of positive and negative response options to maintain neutrality and get a true representation of respondents' opinions.

  • Offering incentives judiciously 

Incentives can boost response rates, but use them wisely. Make sure they are appealing enough to motivate participation but not so large that they attract respondents only interested in the reward. 

For example, offer a small gift card or entry into a prize draw. This helps maintain the integrity of your data by attracting respondents who are genuinely interested in providing valuable feedback. Additionally, clearly communicate the importance of their honest feedback to emphasize the value of quality responses.

Also read: Gamification Core Drivers: Driving User Engagement and Behavior Change

Step 5: Finalizing and Testing Your Survey

The second last stage of ‘how to make surveys’ is very crucial in terms of quality checks. This ensures that your survey is well-designed and ready to collect quality data. Here’s how to do it:

  • Reviewing the survey design 

Go through your survey and check if every question aligns with your survey's objectives. Make sure each question contributes to the overall goal, whether it’s gathering customer feedback, conducting market research, or measuring employee engagement. This review helps fine-tune the survey and remove any unnecessary questions.

  • Conducting a pretest with a small group

Test your survey with a small group of people similar to your target audience. This pre-test helps you identify any issues with the questions, such as unclear wording or confusing layout. Pay attention to their feedback and note any difficulties they face while completing the survey.

3. Adjusting based on feedback

Use the feedback from the pretest to make necessary adjustments. This might include rephrasing questions, fixing technical issues, or improving the survey's flow. By addressing these issues, you enhance the quality of your survey and ensure a better experience for all respondents.

Also read: Guide To Reduce Customer Churn – 10 Strategies With Examples

Step 6: Distributing Your Survey

Now, the last step for ‘how to make surveys’ is to efficiently spread out the survey among the targeted audience. But it also needs to be done in a certain way, like the following:

  • Choosing the most effective distribution methods for your target audience

Select the distribution methods that best reach your target audience. Think about where your audience spends their time. Are they more likely to check their email, browse social media, or visit your website? Choose the methods that will make your survey most accessible to them.

With Nudge, you can easily launch your survey at the perfect time to the designated audiences. Launch your survey and track data and insights through easy reports via real-time features and make the best out of your survey.

2. Utilizing email, social media, or embedded surveys 

Use different platforms to distribute your survey. Email is great for reaching a specific group, social media can attract a broader audience, and embedding the survey on your website or app can engage visitors directly. In-app surveys have much higher response rates than traditional web surveys, which can be as low as 1-3%. This is because in-app surveys are uniquely designed for the mobile experience and do not disrupt the user flow. 

3. Sending reminders judiciously

Reminders can significantly boost response rates. Send gentle reminders to those who haven’t yet completed the survey. Timing is crucial; space out your reminders to avoid annoying your audience. A well-timed reminder can nudge them to participate without feeling pressured.

With Nudge, you can remind your users about surveys in a very subtle and fun way. We offer in-app notifications, checklists, and many other features that you can use as a simple reminder for the users. 

Analyzing and Reporting Survey Results

After making a successful survey, you can now collect the data and get into report analysis for the insights you are waiting for to make informed decisions. 

1. Utilizing the analysis tools provided by the survey platform

Most survey platforms offer built-in analysis tools. Use these tools to quickly review and filter responses. They can help you identify patterns, trends, and key insights without needing advanced statistical knowledge.

With Nudge, you can conduct the survey as well as effectively collect analyzed data from the users. No need to worry about monitoring and analyzing separately. 

2. Interpreting the data to make informed decisions

Look at the data and think about what it tells you. Are there clear trends or surprising results? Use these insights to make informed decisions or recommendations. Whether it’s improving a product, enhancing customer service, or addressing employee concerns, the data will guide your actions.

3. Creating reports with automatic charts and graphs

Visual representations make it easier to understand and share your findings. Use the automatic chart and graph features in your survey platform to create clear, visually appealing reports. These visuals help communicate your results effectively to stakeholders and make it easier to highlight important points.

Many successful B2C apps like Amazon use surveys to collect insights and feedback from their users. Here is an example:

  • Amazon uses surveys to receive actionable feedback. This helps them track user insights and iterate their app to make it better.


“Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.” - Kevin Stirtz [Author of More Loyal Customers]

Understanding the main base of ‘how to make surveys’ is important to gather valuable feedback that drives informed decisions. These surveys help businesses understand customer needs, gauge employee satisfaction, and conduct market research. Remember, a well-planned and well-designed survey can provide insightful data, guiding your strategies and actions. 

Always review and adapt your surveys based on the feedback and results you receive. Continuous learning and improvement will make your future surveys even more effective. By refining your approach, you’ll ensure you’re always getting the most useful information from your respondents. 

Book a demo with Nudge today if you want to create amazing surveys for your users without any hassle and get analyzed data for informed decision-making. 

Read next: 12 Practical Ways to Increase User Engagement [With Expert Quotes]

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Kanishka Thakur
June 25, 2024