Guide To Reduce Customer Churn – 10 Strategies With Examples

Gaurav Rawat
April 3, 2024
18 mins


Retaining customers is just as important as acquiring new ones. Product managers now focus on working to include app retention strategies during the early stages of product development. An important aspect of working with these strategies is to identify scenarios that would make a customer leave or abandon an app.

After all, app abandonment as a trend is every product manager and owner’s nightmare.

Customer churn—the rate at which users stop using a product or service—can truly make or break an aspiring business. One has to anticipate and be prepared for such situations – and this is precisely what this guide will teach you, about how to reduce customer churn.

What is customer churn?

Customer churn refers to the rate at which customers stop using a product or service over a defined period. It's akin to trying to fill a leaky bucket; no matter how fast you pour in new customers, the business growth will stagnate if you can't retain them.

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.”

–  Zig Ziglar, American author, salesman, and motivational speaker

If your customers are leaving your app and worse, complaining about it on social media, your competitors, with their social listening efforts, will catch hold of them. Thus, having churned customers simply means losing business to your competitors.

Hence, it is a critical metric that experienced product owners keep close track of.

How do you calculate the customer churn rate?

To calculate the churn rate, you divide the number of customers lost during a certain period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. Then multiply it by 100 to get the churn rate.

For example, if a subscription-based service had 1000 customers at the start of the month and lost 50 customers by the end of the month, the churn rate would be 5% (50 lost customers divided by 1000 total customers).

You can also calculate churn in terms of ‘revenue’, where instead of the number of customers, you replace it with revenue numbers.

How not addressing customer churn impacts your business:

Those are huge numbers – both in terms of the expense of ignoring churn and gains when you pay attention to it.

High churn rates directly result in a loss of revenue for businesses. Each lost customer represents a decline in recurring revenue streams, which can have a cumulative effect over time. On top of it, a high churn rate means one may blindly spend more time acquiring new customers to offset the losses. This puts your business in a perpetuating cycle of high customer acquisition costs, which eventually put additional strain on marketing budgets and diminishing profitability.

Can customer churn be good?

Andrew Michael, CEO of Avrio, explains the concept of ‘Acceptable’ and ‘Not Acceptable’ churn types on ‘Reduce churn – The Product Experience Podcast by ‘Mind the Product’ community.

“At an early stage, when you're getting started, you're typically gonna end up having higher churn retention because your product is not as sophisticated. It has a lot of issues with it still potentially. So they are sort of just like that early stage, where churn itself is just fueling revenue that you went in. I like the analogy of building a log fire – in the beginning, you start with little twigs, and they might not be the best-fit customers and they're not going to stick around for the longest. They're gonna come in and they're gonna burn fast, but they're gonna give you the fuel that you need to find the logs to find the ideal customer profile to get those to start burning those.

And then you start to build a more and more healthy fire that's going to be sustainable and burns longer over time. So I think depending on the environment that you're in and the customers that you serve, there is a certain acceptable level of churn.”

Here, Andrew mentions that sometimes churn could be inevitable. Hence, it is important to understand the reason why your customers are leaving your product so that you can know if it is acceptable or not. The next section gives factors affecting unacceptable customer churn – so if yours falls into this category, you must work on reducing it.

3 key factors that influence customer churn you should know of 

Let us first understand what causes customer churn –

1. Your app lacks product-market fit

A disconnect between your product’s value proposition and the needs or expectations of the target market results in customers eventually churning out. This could happen due to low demand, incorrect solution (your product) to the problem you’re tackling, or strong competitors.

For example, since TikTok got banned in India, many new-age apps sprung up to take over its market share. But many of them have failed to gain the traction and adoption enjoyed by Instagram’s ‘reels’ feature which mimics TikTok’s content format.

Even though many of these new TikTok clone apps were funded, they failed to retain users and have shut down.

India's short-video app moment

This is a good example of how existing competition and failure to differentiate can make achieving product-market fit difficult even when you have market demand and resources.

2. Poor user experience

If your app is poorly designed and managed, the users will leave the moment they find a new alternative. Complex interfaces, confusing navigation, and unintuitive design can frustrate users and hinder their ability to accomplish the tasks for which they choose your app. Or your app may showcase a slow loading time or crash, which is bad for today’s impatient generation. 

Other reasons may include poor communication of value proposition – where what your product promised is not being delivered. For example, if a subscription-based service automatically renews memberships without clearly notifying customers in advance or providing an easy opt-out option, users may feel deceived and choose to cancel their subscriptions.

Sometimes, churned customers may even take to social media to express their dissatisfactory experience, which further hinders your customer acquisition efforts.

"Thank your customer for complaining and mean it. Most will never bother to complain. They’ll just walk away.”

– Marilyn Suttle, Success Coach, Source: SurveyMonkey

3. Customers may have pricing concerns

The perceived value of a product or service compared to its price is a critical factor influencing customer churn. When customers feel that they're not receiving sufficient value for the price they pay, they're more likely to seek alternatives or discontinue their subscription altogether. 

For example, if a streaming service raises its subscription fee without adding new content or improving its platform's user experience, subscribers may opt to switch to a competitor that offers a comparable service at a lower cost.

Sometimes, the pricing tiers are also not clearly explained – and when a customer gets a huge bill with hidden charges, they may feel cheated and not continue with your app.

4 methods for predicting customer churn

Now that we thoroughly understand the concept of customer churn and its cause, let’s take the next step of measuring churn to know how much work you have to do on your app:

1. Monitor usage levels

Start by focusing on simple and easy to measure metrics like time spent on the app, frequently used features, frequency of logging into the app, etc. You can use user experience software like Nudge for tracking and gaining insights from the same. When a customer is about to churn, they will showcase a decline in these metrics.

For example, a sudden decrease in login frequency or a decline in the number of actions taken within the application might signal that a customer is becoming disengaged. Or else, a customer who is paying for the premium plan may choose a lower-priced plan as they may have pricing concerns.

Consider using benchmarks to compare your app’s metrics

Monitoring usage levels should not be a one-time effort but rather an ongoing process that involves regular trend analysis and benchmarking. By comparing current usage metrics to historical data or industry benchmarks, businesses can identify deviations or anomalies that may indicate underlying issues.

2. Track feature adoption within your application

Redundant features will cause nothing but a hindrance to your customer’s flow while using your app for features they like. By monitoring feature adoption rates and usage patterns, you can identify whether certain functionalities are underutilized or if there are specific features that drive higher engagement.

For example, if a particular feature has a low adoption rate, you may choose to adopt user experience platforms like Nudge to promote it to the target user segment. Then, when you measure and observe a rise in its adoption rate, you can continue, otherwise consider sun-setting it.

Nudge’s feature adoption feature helps you carry out such experiments and re-align your product strategy. 

blusmart feature adoption

For example, BluSmart uses ‘Spotlight’ in-app nudge to make users aware of its latest features. This helps them make sure the customers understand the available options for them. Doing so helps them track the effectiveness of their designed spotlight experience to further track feature adoption rates on the dashboard.

You too must consider tracking feature adoption and iterating your product accordingly. As your product evolves and customer needs change, you may be required to introduce new features, while existing ones may be modified or deprecated. By regularly reviewing feature adoption metrics and soliciting feedback from users, you can ensure that your product remains aligned with customer expectations and continues to deliver value over time.

3. Analyze support ticket data

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” 

Bill Gates, Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Support tickets are a goldmine of information about how your users are truly perceiving and using the product. Check for below metrics:

  • Number of support tickets raised
  • How critical were the problems raised and their impact on the user’s experience
  • Frequent issues raised by customers
  • Time taken to resolve the issue
  • Feedback from users after resolving the ticket

Based on the above factors, understand and prioritize key issues that you must fix. By identifying common pain points and recurring issues, businesses can proactively address underlying problems before they escalate and lead to customer churn. Apart from fixing churn, it also helps in product development by highlighting areas where enhancements or feature updates are required.

4. Identify at-risk customers from user engagement data

Measuring and analyzing user engagement data helps you identify customers who are most and least engaged. This means you can segregate at-risk customers who are likely to churn and focus on making sure they meet their goals of using your app.

Common user engagement metrics such as customer satisfaction scores and Net Promoter Score (NPS) can help flag customers who may be dissatisfied. You can use Nudge’s user feedback tools to launch surveys to understand customer’s expectations and whether your app meets them or not.

in-app surveys

Additionally, tracking metrics such as login frequency, time spent on the platform, and interactions with key features can help identify customers who are becoming less engaged over time.

3 stages of customer retention

Before diving into strategies to reduce customer churn, it is important to understand the  concept of ‘customer retention stages’:

1. Activation phase (day 1–7)

Once your customer signs up on the platform, the activation phase starts from day–1 of using your app till about day–7.


You must showcase value to the customer immediately. Within the first few interactions, the customer must be able to get started in using your product successfully to achieve the intended goal.

Important workflows to optimize:

  • You must design an effective and memorable user onboarding experience to minimize friction and guide customers through the initial setup steps.
  • Have a product walkthrough to explain features based on goals identified during the onboarding process.
  • Implementing interactive demos and usage of copy that clearly defines your product’s value proposition.
  • Have an active support team that helps stuck users make the transition to your app and ways to make the best use of the app for their goals.

2. Engagement phase (weeks 2-4):

Once your customer has engaged with your app for more than 2 weeks, you must work on deepening the customer's connection with the brand and product.


Since the customers are exploring your app’s functionalities and using them to achieve their goals, your efforts must be directed to make sure they face no hindrances. You need to maintain their interest and encourage ongoing usage to solidify their commitment to the product.

Important workflows to optimize:

  • Design user experience flows that promote feature adoption
  • Continuously solicit feedback from customers to gain insights into their experiences and preferences.
  • Reward loyalty and foster word of mouth via community building
  • Prioritize feature enhancements, bug fixes, and usability improvements based on customer input and evolving market trends.

3. Maintenance phase (week 5+):

If your customers have lasted for more than five weeks, then they have probably found value in your app. Hence, the focus must now shift to maintaining their loyalty and preventing churn.


During the maintenance phase, businesses should continue to deliver value, provide exceptional customer service, and personalize the experience to meet individual needs.

Important workflows to optimize:

  • Introduce user experience workflows that help you personalize your app for every customer segment.
  • Work on a proactive and Do-It-Yourself support system for existing customers.
  • Launch targeted retention campaigns or win-back initiatives to re-engage customers who may be at risk of churn.
  • Regularly solicit feedback from customers and use insights to iterate and improve the product experience continuously.

The harder you work during the activation and engagement phase, the better you will perform during the maintenance phase to nurture long-term loyal customers. Thus, your business must focus on delivering value, fostering engagement, and providing exceptional customer experiences at each stage of the customer journey.

10 strategies to reduce customer churn

Now, let us understand each strategy mentioned across the customer churn stages in detail:

1. Personalize the onboarding process

When you personalize the onboarding process, you decrease time to value and create a positive experience for the customer. For this, it is important to get data during the onboarding stage to create user personas and perform cohort analysis to understand their needs, expectations, and reasons for dropping off (if they do).

Here’s how to go about it to reduce churn:

Segment users:

Include steps in your onboarding process where you understand their demographics and goals of signing up for your app. Eventually, as you collect data, you will be able to create user personas. For example, you might have separate onboarding flows for new users versus returning users, or for users with different levels of experience or expertise.

Automate customization:

After knowing the user persona, you can ask users to choose their preferred features, set up their profile, or configure their account settings during the onboarding process. By giving users control over their experience, you can increase their sense of ownership and investment in the product.

Opt for progressive profiling:

Gather information about users gradually over time, rather than asking for all their information upfront. This minimizes friction during the onboarding process and allows you to collect more detailed and accurate data about users' preferences and behavior.

Using Nudge, you can segment users and create custom onboarding flows for each customer profile. Design, iterate, and launch walkthroughs, welcome surveys, checklists, or other custom onboarding flows without dabbling in complex code: Nudge for user onboarding.

Nudge also allows you to track drop-offs at any step of your onboarding flow. This allows you to pinpoint exactly where the user left and did not finish the onboarding so that you can iterate the experience. You can also Incorporate adaptive learning techniques to adjust the onboarding experience based on user interactions and progress.

2. Increasing engagement with in-app guidance

Once you successfully onboarded the customer, you now need to make them accustomed to your product. It is common for users to feel overwhelmed when new features and possibilities are with your app – so your job is to make them feel comfortable and in control.

Here are some user experiences you can implement for in-app guidance:

Provide a checklist to reduce time to value:

Checklists are great tools to help a user perform tasks and learn about your software’s capabilities in the process. They serve as a roadmap, guiding users through the essential steps needed to set up their accounts or complete necessary tasks. Based on what the user opted for as their goal, you can design custom checklists to help them discover features that are relevant to them.

Nudge helps you set up checklists for feature adoption. You can custom design the checklist workflow, include brand design elements, and iterate based on engagement – use Nudge for checklists.


Use interactive walkthroughs:

Interactive walkthroughs offer users a structured and hands-on experience through key features, functionalities, and workflows of your app. Since they are visually appealing and practical, the user experience is practical and memorable. With this, they are more likely to continue using your app over time, thus reducing churn.

Nudge can help you make these interactive walkthroughs personalized and adaptive. Design interactive steps that help the user explore one feature to the next –


Guide users with timely in-app nudges:

In-app nudges are an effective way to help in feature discovery. Sometimes, a feature may be relevant to a user’s goal, but they may not be aware of it. By putting a spotlight on it or showing an in-app message, you can grab user’s attention to the feature without disrupting their current user flow. You reinforce your value proposition by making them understand how these features address their needs or streamline their workflow.

For example, here Instagram is making the user aware of how they can create reels directly from the highlight (collection of stories) they add. It provides the benefits of using the feature and how it is ‘automatic’ and requires a ‘few steps’ – making the user comfortable to click on the ‘Try Now’ call to action.

instagram in-app message

Nudge can help you add these features based on defined user segments –  book a demo to learn more.

3. Provide proactive customer service

Traditional reactive customer service methods often require customers to reach out first. It often leads to frustration and dissatisfaction if issues linger unresolved. Proactive customer service flips this approach by actively identifying and addressing potential issues before they impact the customer experience.

“No amount of advertising can repair the damage done by failing to properly address a customer’s concern.”

– Albert Schindler, Source: CX Today

Here, Albert emphasizes the repercussions of not having effective customer service, and hence, one must try to be proactive.

But, how does being proactive reduce churn?

By being proactive, you do not give your customers a chance to feel frustrated by anticipating potential scenarios and taking measures to ensure they do not take place. To get started, you must have a strong understanding of customer behavior and preferences – and then create user stories on what could go wrong when they use your product.

Further, consider providing customers with self-service resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and knowledge bases to empower them to resolve issues independently. 

Also, don't wait for customers to come to you with problems. You can proactively reach out to check in on their experience and offer assistance. This could include sending proactive messages after purchase or reaching out to customers who are at risk of churn.

4. Deliver consistent value to customers

Customers like a product that they know works and does so every time they use it. When customers feel they are receiving consistent value from your product or service, they are more likely to remain loyal and continue using it over time. They will perceive it as indispensable, making them less inclined to seek alternatives.

Here are some ways to create a consistent user experience for your users:

  • Share product updates: use in-app messaging to inform about the latest feature releases and updates. Bonus points if you work on a feature request or feedback from the customer and inform them about taking a successful action on it.
  • Set clear expectations: be transparent about what customers can expect from your app. Communicate its features, benefits, and limitations to manage customer expectations effectively.
  • Ensure brand consistency: make sure your brand voice and design are consistent across your application, social media, and other places where you interact with the customer.

5. Collect feedback at different stages of the customer journey

The best way to effectively serve customers is to ask them about your product for feedback and bugs. They will provide you with valuable insights into areas where your app may be falling short of the expectations that you promised.

“The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.”

— Roy H. Williams, Author of the Wizard of Ads trilogy and marketing consultant

Rather than simply taking an exit survey when they delete an account or unsubscribe, seek continuous feedback as they engage with your app. This means, using tools like surveys, questionnaires, NPS, etc. across the customer journey touchpoints and working to overcome any friction described by them. 

Continuous feedback loops enable businesses to iterate and refine their offerings based on real customer insights – when it is required the most.

For example, let's say you wish to expand your app’s capabilities with a new feature. If you incorporate customer feedback into product development cycles, you can ensure that your product evolves to meet the changing needs and preferences of your target audience.

Here is another example of Uber asking its customers to rate the driver and their overall experience of booking the ride with them. It has no requirement for the user to type – but only to give ratings and select from pre-defined options, thus making it easy for users to provide feedback.

uber in-app survey

6. Monitor product analytics to predict churn

When you design user experiences, you must also decide the key performance metrics you will use to track their effectiveness.

For example, after implementing an in-app message to highlight a feature, you can measure clicks on the Call To Action button, user activity post-clicking, session duration around the feature, and more. If the metrics are low, you can consider working again on your feature design or user flow implementation.

If you’re using user experience software like Nudge to implement user engagement strategies, you will be equipped with analytics tools in a single platform. You can generate reports and check dashboards for regular monitoring to find any signs of customer churn.

Based on product data, you can brainstorm to get insights on:

  • User personas: get a deeper understanding of how customers interact with the product. Businesses can identify pain points, usability issues, or areas where customers may be experiencing friction, enabling them to make targeted improvements.
  • Effective UX design: conduct A/B tests to iterate on UI and UX workflows via data-backed conclusions. By A/B testing different approaches or interventions, businesses can identify the most effective tactics for reducing churn and refine their retention efforts over time.
  • Predict churn: you can choose to adopt specialized software that uses data analytics to predict churn based on your app’s historical data and industry benchmarks.

Make continuous monitoring of retention strategy effectiveness through ongoing analysis of relevant metrics a core part of your product management. This will help you build a resilient app that adapts to varying customer needs to reduce churn.

7. Offer alternatives and win-back incentives

When your product analytics alert signs of customer churning, you need to devise ways to win them back into your app. For this, providing incentives via rewards, offers, exclusive features, etc. is a popular re-engagement strategy.

This approach not only demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction but also provides customers with viable options and reasons to reconsider their decision.

Here are some strategies you can implement to incentivize retention:

  • Show alternatives: consider presenting alternative subscription plans or product tiers. With this, you provide customers with choices that may better suit their current needs or budgets. This flexibility can rekindle their interest and prevent them from seeking alternatives elsewhere.
  • Give offers or discounts: by reducing the monetary value of your product, you ask the customer one more chance to serve you right. It also helps turn casual customers into loyal ones by building a habit. Consider using time-sensitive offers or limited-time promotions to create a sense of urgency and encourage prompt action.
  • Gamify user engagement: consider using game elements as a part of your user experience flow. You can include challenges, leaderboards, streaks, or quizzes to make your customer’s mundane tasks more exciting and enjoyable.

Don’t forget to maintain transparent communication about alternative options and incentives available to customers considering churn. Also, streamline the redemption process through clear instructions and responsive customer support to enhance the overall experience.

For example, here the skincare brand Dot and Key shares a coupon the moment it senses that the user is about to close the window without making a purchase. 

dot and key's reward coupons

After customers accept win-back incentives and decide to stay, continue to engage with them to reinforce their decision and nurture the customer relationship.

8. Personalized recommendations

When you share exactly how a customer can achieve their end goals in your product without overwhelming them, they are more likely to stick to using it. You can consider their past interactions, purchases, saved working data, preferences, language, time zones, and more to curate your app to suit their needs.

On top of it, if you manage to help them discover features that are relevant to their workflow, they will feel further compelled to use your app. A simple in-app message or spotlights can demonstrate that you recognize and cater to their unique needs. 

For example, Amazon’s ‘people also order this’ is a popular personalized product recommendation at play. Here’s another brand JUNIQE is reminding the customers about the products they viewed but did not add to the cart for purchase. Placing personalized recommendations at the right time makes it less intrusive and increases user engagement.

personalized product recommendations

9. Educate customers about your product

Industries like financial services or education often involve the usage of apps that may not have the simplest user experience. Sometimes it requires training either via walkthroughs or an onboarding tour to help customers upskill on your product.

Hence, invest in creating an extensive knowledge base and use contextual in-app messages to give personalized content recommendations at the right time. You can deliver timely tips, best practices, and updates to users as they navigate your product. For the targeted messaging, make sure to keep messages concise, relevant, and non-intrusive.

For example, HubSpot is prompting users to download a letter template (which is a lead magnet). It’s a fun way to promote the conference, where they have used humor in the announcement post along with downloadable content.

hubspot's in-app message

10. Celebrate customer success

When customers achieve their goals or experience positive outcomes with your product or service, acknowledging and celebrating their success can help reinforce your value proposition to them. This will help them feel secure about choosing your app for solving their problem or achieving a goal.

Satisfied customers who feel appreciated are more likely to become brand advocates and recommend your product or service to others. Often including a ‘Share’ option on in-app messages will also result in users sharing their achievements on social networks – thus, helping you kickstart word of mouth.

For this strategy too, adopting a personalized approach works. Tailor your celebrations to each customer's preferences and milestones. Whether it's sending a personalized message, offering a discount, or featuring their success story on your website or social media — make the acknowledgment meaningful and relevant to the user.

For example, Robinhood (a fintech app for stock trading) celebrates when a new user progresses in their app’s user journey. It releases confetti as a part of its user experience, making them feel good about making progress.

robinhood confetti

15 Tools and technologies for churn reduction

Now, let us understand the various tools available to help you implement the ten strategies discussed in previous sections:

Tools for engaging customers to reduce churn:

  1. Nudge
customer engagement tool to reduce churn

Nudge is a user experience software to help you design custom user flows that help improve engagement and retention metrics. Without using code, you can deploy, test, and iterate on user flows across user onboarding, rewards, gamification, feature adoption, and many more. You also gain insights on a single platform about UX performance which further helps you iterate to reduce churn.

Explore – Nudge’s user experience features

  1. Userpilot

Userpilot is a customer experience platform to help you improve user engagement, gain user feedback, and use this data to generate product insights. You can use its UX tools to implement key workflows like user onboarding, feature discovery, in-app support, and more to drive product-led growth.

  1. WalkMe

WalkMe is a workflow automation and digitization tool that helps businesses implement personalized and automated workflows across products. You can create contextual guidance flows, in-app guidance, or conversational interfaces to drive user engagement.

Tools for churn prediction:

  1. Qualtrics XM

Qualtrics is a comprehensive customer experience platform. Their product ‘Predict iQ’ utilizes advanced deep-learning neural networks-based predictive analytics to detect potential churn among customers and accounts. It also offers insights into the underlying reasons driving this behavior.

  1. Baremetrics

Baremetrics is a specialized software dedicated to subscription analytics. So if you run a subscription-based business, its ‘Cancellation Insights’ feature will help you predict potential customers about to churn. It also considers the context of churn and industry benchmarks to help you reduce churn.

  1. Churn360

Churn360 is a customer success platform that includes the feature to determine the ‘Health Score’ for your customer. It provides a 360° customer view and considers these data points to identify and predict at-risk customers who may churn. You can also customize the algorithm as per your company’s parameters.

Tools to gain insights via churn analysis:

  1. Hotjar

Hotjar helps you map and visualize how your customers use your product. Using its heat mapping, session recording, and surveying features, you can gain insights into your user experience workflows. These features help identify bugs and potential product improvement opportunities without engaging too much with the customer.

  1. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a product insights tool that helps you visualize your data and analyze it to generate actionable insights. You can use it to track your key metrics that impact churn and monitor customer activity on your app. Its advanced BI tools further help you with data visualization.

  1. Gainsight

Gainsight is a comprehensive customer success platform that includes advanced tools to have 360° views of your customer. Its data analytics features are capable of forecasting customer retention and expansion insights to help you make an informed decision.

Tools to improve customer retention to reduce churn:

  1. CleverTap

CleverTap is an AI-enabled customer experience and engagement tool. It helps you continuously test different engagement and retention strategies to find best workflows backed by data. It also helps you enable your customer lifecycle journeys with AI and industry frameworks.

  1. Amplitude

Amplitude is a product analytics software that helps you bring your customer data across multiple platforms for analysis. Using that you can discover new customer segments, align the behavior of existing users, and deliver targeted retention campaigns. Using tools like session replay, you can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and design strategies to retain them.

  1.  WebEngage

WebEngage is a full-stack customer engagement platform and retention platform. It helps you bring customer data across channels and gain audience insights to deliver personalized experiences. Its AL and ML-based algorithms help you find audience patterns for better user segmentation for applying retention strategies.

Tools for proactive customer support to reduce churn:

  1. Zendesk

Zendesk is a conversational experience tool designed to help you provide proactive customer support using advanced AI. You can deploy AI agents and centralize conversations across platforms – which enables you to stay available 24/7 with less manpower.

  1. Help Scout

Help Scout helps you bring conversations across platforms like email, social media messages, and customer support tickets in a single platform. You can create a shared inbox for your teams to tackle customer support tickets as they arrive. It also helps you create a ‘Help Center’ to build a comprehensive knowledge base and create DIY help content.

  1. Intercom

Using Intercom, you can enable your business with AI customer service via AI chatbots and intelligent help desk solutions. It also helps centralize your customer support conversations and tickets to improve resolution time.

Reduce customer churn with an all-in-one user experience solution with Nudge

Instead of using a plethora of tools to guide your customer churn reduction efforts, you can explore Nudge’s no-code solutions to build custom user experiences. Design user flows that help improve key metrics and track their impact in a single platform – book a demo to learn more.

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Gaurav Rawat
April 3, 2024